Peach State Blues

 I am writing this blog about the current state of Georgia politics. I chose this topic for 2 purposes. The first being that Georgia is my home state and secondly to display the style of systemic oppression that our nation still bolsters today in various ways. 


On March 26th, 2021 the governor of Georgia passed a series of laws in regards to voting rights. At face value the laws present as a series of unique changes that should be enacted to help secure and validate elections in the state of Georgia. However, once the 98 page document is broken down into layman's terms it is apparent that the laws have been reorganized to benefit the republican party in areas where they fell short during the 2020 election. I've listed some of the laws below for anyone to explore if they are interested. 

  1. Voters will now have less time to request absentee ballots.
  2. There are strict new ID requirements for absentee ballots.
  3. It’s now illegal for election officials to mail out absentee ballot applications to all voters.
  4. Drop boxes still exist … but barely.
  5. Mobile voting centers (think an R.V. where you can vote) are essentially banned.
  6. Early voting is expanded in a lot of small counties, but probably not in more populous ones.
  7. Offering food or water to voters waiting in line now risks misdemeanor charges.
  8. If you go to the wrong polling place, it will be (even) harder to vote.
  9. If election problems arise, a common occurrence, it is now more difficult to extend voting hours.
  10. With a mix of changes to vote-counting, high-turnout elections will probably mean a long wait for results.
  11. Election officials can no longer accept third-party funding (a measure that nods to right-wing conspiracy theories).
  12. With an eye toward voter fraud, the state attorney general will manage an election hotline.
  13. The Republican-controlled legislature has more control over the State Election Board.
  14. The secretary of state is removed as a voting member of the State Election Board.
  15. The G.O.P.-led legislature is empowered to suspend county election officials.
  16. Runoff elections will happen faster — and could become harder to manage.
Why does this matter?

 These laws are the the most modern era of Jim crow laws. A majority of these laws allow one person to preside over entire elections for some counties in Georgia. If that was to happen then said official could dictate the outcome of elections however they see fit and people's votes could actually stop mattering. Last year the election was decided heavily by counties with some of the heaviest (Democratic) & minority populations who now have eligible officials from the republican party who can heavily influence the outcomes of their vote. 

Why Does it really matter?
People are losing their rights to vote which means people are losing their right to decide on who represents them in major debates such as healthcare. During the pre Biden-Harris administration, Obamacare underwent a lot of major reform hits that left some Americans at a major disadvantage in regards to accessing health. Americans deserve access to at least the most basic health routines and I am sure that the country and state could both afford to fund it. I firmly believe that the health system will continue to grow and so its only right that way elect people who will make the best decisions.


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